MGGSS Foundation
Weavers of our favorite Desi Cotton...
Protectors of the famous Bengal Muslin...
Masters of the ancient Jamdhani textiles…
Protectors of the famous Bengal Muslin...
Masters of the ancient Jamdhani textiles…
Meet the team at MG Gramodyog Sewa Sansthan Foundation. Founded and managed by Rubi, Arup and Prerona Rakshit, this social enterprise has for long epitomized the inclusion and promotion of indigenous cotton fabrics in India and across the borders. Also known as MGGSS, this cozy family run organization has been committed across generations towards using sustainable techniques and primitive but safer methods in crafting handmade textiles while harnessing nature’s bounty without affecting the ecosystem.
Working closely at a grass root level with weavers of the quaint town of Memari in West Bengal, this organization believes their weavers make one big family and stand for ethical and fair trade while not only supporting the artisans in their everyday lives but also bringing them closer to our world through interactive activities and workshops.
As for us and them as collaborators, what began as a humble sampling process has evolved into an eternal bond based on trust and shared responsibility. With them, we’re forever learning more about fabrics, weaving and all things thread!